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TechnoAlpin: Start-up of new test facilities

Lagt til av: Espen Børresen | publisert: 21.09.2010

Snow guns supplied by TechnoAlpin are synonymous with top reliability and long service. As a guarantee of this, not only are incoming goods inspected on arrival and a final acceptance process conducted before handover, but a number of operational and quality control checks are also carried out during assembly.

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TechnoAlpin: Start-up of new test facilities ©
At the company’s new headquarters in Bolzano, a range of testing facilities has been installed at the pre-assembly stations for this purpose, including a test bay with four test beds for the final acceptance process.Assemblies are tested even during the individual pre-assembly stages. For example, every nozzle ring, valve block and centralized water unit is subjected to a pressure test with water before being fitted to the fan to ensure that there are no leaks in any of the water-bearing components. By testing the assemblies, small faults are prevented from recurring throughout the entire production chain.

The snow guns are completed altogether and each machine is then subjected to a full operational test. This involves conducting electrical tests and the “water test”. The entire range of operations involved in manufacturing snow is simulated at the test beds, with the machines run in different operational stages and programs.

TechnoAlpin’s new company headquarters was designed to provide ample space for the test beds. Three fans can be connected to the system at the same time. There is also a dedicated test bed for lances. This week the new test beds were started up at the same time as the new production hall. No snow gun leaves the premises without having had a trial run beforehand. These rigorous tests are the basis for product reliability and warranty.


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