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New Prinoth Everest will be presented 27. March 2009

Lagt til av: Ole Kristoffer Hole Olsen | publisert: 06.01.2009

Prinoth released the news of something big to be presented in Innsbruck the 27. March 2009. Trå is expecting the arrival of the new Prinoth Everest as the most likely news they will present. Our expectations is that the new Everest will exceed the most powerful machine today - the PB 600 Polar with 490 HP. Maybe and most likely, we will see the first machine trespassing the magic 500 HP limit.

Unconfirmed expectations
As we have suggested earlier, the Everest will likely be a new segment while the Leitwolf and Bison will serve the 4.2 m. market, and the new Everest will serve a large-scale market with a new machine around 5.2 - 5.4 m. over the tracks.

When Prinoth took over the Camoplast production of the Bombardiers, Prinoth also took over a machine named BR500, designed to meet the customers of big resorts, to maintain an efficient grooming even of the biggest skiresorts. Trå believe that Prinoth intend to transform and develop this BR500 to a new Everest, with familiy details collected from both the Leitwolf and the Bison.

Trå have inside information regarding the new electro-hydraulic joystick - it will be adapted to the new Everest from the last years Bison, giving the driver an all-in-one control of the blade and tiller. This is a part of the Prinoth process to create a similarity between the different models, to make it easier to operate different machines.

Trå will return with more news regarding the Prinoth Everest as soon as the information is available.

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