Neil Robertson
Ble medlem: 26.03.2008
Sted: OSLO
Training document
I want to gather hints and tips to help other novices and be a training guide for people like me. Fortunately I have some driving hours now but many dont have that. If I collate a tips/training document maybe others can learn basics before being a driver.
I would like you to think of a hint or tip or basic driving problem then your solution. Pictures are also helpful if you can get them or have them. Add to the thread or email me through the site. Basic or advanced, it all benefits the student.
1. Unable to steer using tracks due to conditions - move tiller sideways manually in small bursts. 2. Unable to see due to weather fog/blizzards - Switch off some lights 3. Snow balls rolling onto finished surface - slow down track speed, move tiller to catch them. 4. Tracks spinning - lift tiller / move blade up and down - 'bouncing'/ reduce tiller pressure 5. Finish with areas like moles underneath - I think its tiller speed or pressure that solves this?? 6. Blade not carrying snow - Increase angle of balde - more attack 7. Digging holes with blade - Use angle to remove attack. Lifting up/down creates uneven surface... Hopefully you get the idea. I appreciate anyone's ideas and time spent to help. Remember REALLY BASIC to ADVANCED tips will help.